
@Serializable(with = NotBlankStringSerializer::class)
interface NotBlankString : Comparable<NotBlankString>


Use the kotools.types.NotBlankString type instead.

Replace with

import kotools.types.NotBlankString

Representation of strings that have at least one character, excluding whitespaces.


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object Companion

Contains declarations for holding or building a PositiveInt.

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Error thrown when creating a NotBlankString fails.


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open operator fun compareTo(other: String): Int
open operator override fun compareTo(other: NotBlankString): Int

Compares this value lexicographically with the other value for order. Returns zero if this value equals the other value, a negative number if this value is less than the other value, or a positive number if this value is greater than the other value.

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open operator fun get(index: PositiveInt): Char

Returns the character of this value at the specified index. Throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds, except in Kotlin/JS where the behavior is unspecified.

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open operator fun plus(other: Any?): NotBlankString

Returns the concatenation of this value with the string representation of the other object.


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open val first: Char

Returns the first character of this value.

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Returns the length of this value.

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abstract val value: String

The value to hold.


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infix fun NotBlankString.getOrNull(index: PositiveInt): Char?

Returns the character of this value at the specified index, or returns null if the index is out of bounds.